Bayhealth Surgical Weight Loss Support Group

Bariatric Program Support Group

Fee: None

The success of surgical weight loss relies heavily on a patient's understanding of, and commitment to certain lifestyle changes. Bayhealth's Bariatric Program Support Group welcomes both pre-operative and post-operative surgical weight loss patients as well as their families, friends and support persons. The meetings offer a secure and comfortable forum to ask questions, share concerns and celebrate victories. They're also a great place to gain support from patients going through similar experiences and to learn about the changes and challenges that often accompany weight loss surgery.

You are welcome to join the support group in person at the locations listed below (when applicable), or virtually. If you would like more information on how to join virtually, please contact the Bariatric Program office at 302-430-5454 or email Bariatric Program Coordinator Patty Deer, at

Each month's support group topic is listed below.

January: Back to Basics—Staying Motivated

February: How to Avoid Taking Steps Backward After Weight Loss

March: Ask the Bariatric Surgeon

April: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

May: Exercise Made Easy—Fueling Your Body for Exercise While Losing Weight

June: Diet Progression/Who Needs a Supplement and how to Select? (Sampling Session)

July: Self-Image and Relationships

August: Positive Thinking, Positive Action!

September: Ask the Bariatric Surgeon

October: Understanding and Managing Portion Sizes After Surgery

November: Managing Stress

December: Making Friends with Food—Understanding Hunger, Satiety and Meal Timing


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